Organizaciones y Cultura

Organizaciones y Cultura

miércoles, 12 de mayo de 2010

Oceania and Australia

Oceania is comformed by a bunch of islands where the two main and biggest territories are Australia and New Zealand. This region has 14 countries which are:Australia,Fiji,Kiribati,Marshall Islands,Micronesia,Nauru,
NewZealand,Palau,Papua new Guinea,Samoa,Solomon Islands,Tonga,Tuvalu and vanuatu.

Commonwealth of Australia or just Australia, has a Population of 21,875,000 persons. Its Capitalis Canberra, not Sydney as many could think. It has some ethnic groups which are;European 92%, Asian 6%, Aboriginal 2%. Its main religion is Catholic with a 26%, followed by anglican 19%,christian 19 %, and others and Its language is English.

It is said that Australia had its first inhabitants 40,000 years ago, when Asian aborigines migrated there. in 1770 The british empire proclaimed possession over it calling it New South wales. In 1788 many convicts were transported to this island, this convicts created six colonies the ones we know today as New South Wales, Tasmania, Western Australia, South Australia, Victoria, and Queensland.

Australian people are known for being opened minded, they respect others privacy, mutual respect is valued by them, but also modesty and parity. directiveness and lively discussion are encouraged.

A Company structure in Australia is generally flat. All people in the organization have an important role to play,managers recognize and value the specialized knowledge that employees at all levels bring. it is basically a collaborative and participative management style.
Australians are often quite comfortable working in teams.

The movie.

1. When removed from their families, the children were prepared for “a better life”, how is that true or false when considering different perspectives?

I had the chance to watch this movie through the internet and I found it very exiting and interesting, moreover when I saw that it was based on true facts. It is sad to see how far society can push things between cultural differences and not accepting that we are different. this was the case the aborigines from Australia who had to suffer because some people thought or believed they were a threat for the community and were half casted. It was said that the kids were taken to educate and protect them, the truth was that they weren't protected at all of any threat and instead they were educated to become servants. From my perspective this statement isn't true, they weren't prepared for a better life, they didn't want to leave their homes, families and everything they had. It was clear that they wanted to stay the way they were, aboriginal. one example of this are the three girls who were taken to the camp, they stayed there without wanting until they figured out what was going on,they decided to escape. Unfortunately one got caught, but the other two could escape and reach home. This event showed us that the girls and all the kids in general wanted to go back to their towns. This event took place in 1930's, but only until 2008 the governement appologied for this horrible and racist situation. The ones that have been affected by this issue are demanding compensation plans for them and they deserve them.
watch also this documentary that talks about the white people's abuses in Autralia that still last until today.


Baird, Kevin. 2007. The culture of Australian organizations and its relation with strategy. “International Journal Of Business Studies, 15(1).

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