Organizaciones y Cultura

Organizaciones y Cultura

viernes, 5 de marzo de 2010


Ethnographic research is the social science that studies the personal experiences or social behaviors of a community, wehre the researcher gets involved through observation. It is the way a culture gets described through specific information in terms of costumes, behaviors and beliefs.
The observation could be done in different ways and they vary depending on each situation or the specific object to study. In some cases the researcher has to get deeply involved on his case study and make it as if it was of his own group, he feels as a part of the group. we could also have the case where the researcher has to do the research, but not get involved with it directly, he has to step a side and not get directly involved with the case study. It is important to mention thata the researcher must search for the aspects that could affect a certain group from the inside or deep thoughts and the outside or superficial things. in order to gather good and complete information, the researcher must interview, collect data, analyze documents and observe carefully each case of study, always making its resaerch the most objective posssible. if he does well in this, the better information he'll have to work and analyze nad the better results he'll get.
Ethnographics gives us tools to understand others ways of life from two important points of views, the way the group of study sees the world (Emic) and the way the world sees the group (Epic). These tools are widely used now days in order to understand cultures, the way they behave, things they like, etc. Important information that could be used in areas such as marketing, psichology, anthropology, etc.
The cleares example for ethnographic research to be done is on marketing. in order for a multinational enterprise to lauch a new product all over the world, this company has to do a very exhaustive research of the different ways cultures behave, consume, differ in terms of beliefs, what they like, etc. They have to do a quantitative and qualitative research of the different cultures, gather a lot of information from these cultures, and finally with all the information decide whether to launch or not the product in specific countries or cultures.
In order to make myself clear watch this video:



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