Organizaciones y Cultura

Organizaciones y Cultura

viernes, 5 de marzo de 2010

National y Oraganizational Culture

Organizational culture is the social management study that focus on the psychology, attitudes, experiences, beliefes, and values of an organization. It is the way the people and groups inside of an organisation interact and share specific values and norms. It could be also focused to the way the people of the organisation interacst with the people from the outside or stakeholders.
The organization usually developes guides, norms and expectations in order to describe the correct behavior an employee must have in particular situations and the appropiate manners employees must have betweeen each other. These guides and norms encourage the organizational goals they pretend to persue between the members, and are determined as a clear definition of how succesfully a company is.
The organizational culture is different fron the Corporate Culture. A Corporate culture are the values, traditions, meanings and costumes as a whole or total, that determine the uniqueness of a company. Corporate culture focuses more over the vision the founder have and reflects which are the company's objectives.
We must differentiate this because when we talk about organizational culture, we are talking about an "x-ray" of the national culture, since as it has been studied, the way people behave is more or less the way the have been raised, educated and influeced by the culture.
In this order of ideas, we could say that there is a corporate culture in each organization since they give the parameters the company has in order to identify itself. It gives more or less an idea of where the company is going and how they will achieve it, it helps the organization to organize and define the tasks employees and the company must fulfill.
Allthough, this corporate culture has been facing during the last years a hudge transformation due to the globalization, companies have had faced the need to addapt to world constant changes, new emerging countries and cultures (china - india) and must addapt to a very agresive competitiveness. Reasons why the companies have had to develope new strategies to survive and comfront these challenges that globalization brings.

watch this video that gives an example of how misunderstood employees are with the organizational culture.


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