Organizaciones y Cultura

Organizaciones y Cultura

lunes, 15 de marzo de 2010

Managing Diversity

For multinational and non multinational companies, managing diversity has become one of the key points in order to have agood environment in the company, manage good relationship with clients and suppliers, helps as a support to the internationalization process and helps the company in acieving a maximization.
Some examples of diversity are: the religion, sexual orientation, costumes, social-economic status, etc. the important thing is that employees should be managed and treated as equal and avoid descrimination or maltreatment in order to motivate and commit them. but understanding and managing diversity could also help a company to defene and understand its maket orientation, which will be translated in better profits beacause you are attacking the right point.
watch this video to make an idea of how diversity can affect, positively or negative a company.

Companies must also be cautious with the way manage diversity because if the media or the community gets to know a case of discrimination or mistreatment in the company, a bad reputation of it could affect it not only with sales, but also in the image, further businesses, profits, etc.

QUESTION: do you think the IBM case reflects a strong organizational commitment to diversity?, why?

After analyzing the IBM case i believe or support that there is an strong organizational commitment from IMB and that they are interested for diversity inside the organization. I base my statement in the example of the number of executives hired by the company that had or have dissabilities. i also base my statement because IBM want's to know the employee problems inside and outside the company, crete a dialogue, face each problem, and finally try to solve it. Always looking for a better synergy between the teams in the organization.Involving every one is the main goal IBM has, and from my point of view is a great strategy because it will translate into better profits and a better work environment and shows a long-term relationship.

Stanley F. Slater, Robert A. Weigand b, Thomas J. Zwirlein, 2008, The business case for commitment to diversity (Page 201 – 209)

Class presentation
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